FreedomHill Fellowship was founded in 2007 with the guiding principle that all beliefs, practices, and customs are welcome.
What We Do
FreedomHill Fellowship (FHF)
offers fellowship and spiritual
development for all ages.
Individual exploration is supported
through Awaken the Divine,
involvement within the greater community is the FHF Outreach, and our commitment to environmental protection and awareness is highlighted under Stewards of the Earth programs.
Explore our website to learn more about how you can improve your life and your community.
Homeschool Umbrella
The FreedomHill Fellowship Ministry homeschooling umbrella (FHFMU) serves to assist families with their educational needs. FHFMU provides reporting of your child's enrollment to your county's board of education, conducting an annual review, and overseeing your home education.
Awaken the Divine
Awaken the Divine is a program within FreedomHill Fellowship that supports a commitment to individual spiritual growth. Specifically the tenants:
We believe in the free and responsible search for
personal truth and meaning.
We believe in the inherent worth and dignity
of every human being.
We believe in providing for our children, as well as for ourselves, a democratically self-governed educational environment within which they are free to explore life in all its complexity.